dotintime: time to set sail
dotintime: comes the morning
dotintime: shadows
dotintime: painting in process
dotintime: in the middle of the night
dotintime: lines and forms
dotintime: on the table :: two
dotintime: unless you really really need to
dotintime: on the table :: three
dotintime: headgear
dotintime: lamp on table
dotintime: out back
dotintime: tree
dotintime: in the night kitchen
dotintime: leave it at the door
dotintime: plus
dotintime: rain in the alley
dotintime: looking out into it
dotintime: not open
dotintime: city snow
dotintime: lone chair
dotintime: beginning, middle or end
dotintime: four plus
dotintime: on the table :: one
dotintime: tagged
dotintime: loading dock chair
dotintime: new shoes
dotintime: out to lunch
dotintime: looking in...seeing out
dotintime: outdoor seating available