Doug S photo:
yellow flower
Doug S photo:
tiny white flowers
Doug S photo:
yellow flowers - DOF
Doug S photo:
yellow bench
Doug S photo:
pink poppies
Doug S photo:
pink poppies
Doug S photo:
yellow bench
Doug S photo:
red poppies
Doug S photo:
red poppies
Doug S photo:
red poppy
Doug S photo:
red poppy
Doug S photo:
red poppy
Doug S photo:
white puff ball flowers
Doug S photo:
Doug S photo:
purple Iris
Doug S photo:
up the stalk
Doug S photo:
pink and yellow flower background
Doug S photo:
magenta flowers
Doug S photo:
Doug S photo:
2 tone flower
Doug S photo:
tree flower
Doug S photo:
tree flower
Doug S photo:
closed tree flower
Doug S photo:
tree flower
Doug S photo:
yellow poppy
Doug S photo:
mass of small purple flowers
Doug S photo:
leaf detail
Doug S photo:
purple flowers DOF
Doug S photo:
close up of white poppy flower
Doug S photo:
close up of white poppy flower