micro.cosmic: Kembang perdu....shrubs flower.
micro.cosmic: Paint by god , genus colocasia leaf motif
micro.cosmic: I spent my whole life to be waiting you ...
micro.cosmic: emas - emasan..the coating gold insect
micro.cosmic: ordinary flower kembang yang biasa saja
micro.cosmic: uncertain situation...
micro.cosmic: Love is beauty
micro.cosmic: Love is everywhere....
micro.cosmic: The perfect hide is succesfull camuflage
micro.cosmic: rapid grass
micro.cosmic: horror momment on ficus
micro.cosmic: hijau ku
micro.cosmic: Morning calm.....
micro.cosmic: Get the better signal place...
micro.cosmic: Pohon JAMBU KLAMPOK / Klampok tree
micro.cosmic: Busana Kejawen the secret of javanesse wardrobe
micro.cosmic: the War scene of clasical jathilan perfomant art
micro.cosmic: Seni tari tradisi jathilan angklung , clasical jathilan art dance of java