scott.smuin: me-in-tree
scott.smuin: mothra-me-1
scott.smuin: xmas-1983
scott.smuin: no words necessary
scott.smuin: my 2nd birthday
scott.smuin: Dad-me-1
scott.smuin: Mothra's 23rd bday
scott.smuin: cousins house
scott.smuin: Me, Jeff, Mothra, dad, grandma, and cousins
scott.smuin: me, jeff, mothra
scott.smuin: me and cousins eyeing Bookis bday cake
scott.smuin: lake powell
scott.smuin: Scan 13
scott.smuin: coloring easter eggs
scott.smuin: Me, Jeff, Mothra, and my dad
scott.smuin: Me and Mothra
scott.smuin: Steve, me, Mike
scott.smuin: me and my cousin steve with the fish we caught.
scott.smuin: me and my grandpa setting up dominos
scott.smuin: me and Bookis eating green eggs and ham
scott.smuin: mullet
scott.smuin: this is what we did
scott.smuin: making turtles with my cousins
scott.smuin: maybe 6th or 7th grade
scott.smuin: me and Carrie, lake powell
scott.smuin: Me and Mothra, lake powell
scott.smuin: My grandpa's boat at Lake Powell
scott.smuin: Bookis, Carrie, and Me after bike trip