Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Crafts Department Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Weddings Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Crafts Department Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Crafts Department Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Pretty Pink Cupcakes
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Amy Atlas (Amy Atlas Events) & Kim Stoegbauer (The TomKat Studio)
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Weddings Disp lay
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Wedding Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Weddings Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Wedding Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
On the Wall in Martha's Headquarters
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Little Ladybug on Martha's Logo
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Kim of The TomKat Studio
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Martha's Swag Bag
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Perfect Pink Cupcakes
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Party Girls up in Martha's Offices
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Stephanie (Couture Parties) & Kim (The TomKat Studio)
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Kim Stoegbauer (TomKat Studio) & Kate Landers (Kate Landers Events)
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
MS Cupcake Display
Kim - The TomKat Studio:
Martha Stewart at Bloggers' Night Out