David Bellis:
The Arnolfini Portrait - Van Eyck
David Bellis:
Whistle Jacket - Stubbs
David Bellis:
Supper at Emmaus - Carravaggio
David Bellis:
Madonna and Child - Da Vinci
David Bellis:
Venus and Mars - Botticelli
David Bellis:
The Ambassadors - Holbein
David Bellis:
Balthazaar's Feast - Rembrandt 2
David Bellis:
Balthazaar's Feast - Rembrandt 1
David Bellis:
Grotesque Woman - Bronzinno
David Bellis:
Hay Wain - Constable
David Bellis:
Lady Cockburn - Reynolds
David Bellis:
Seaport - Lorrain
David Bellis:
The Bathers - Seurat
David Bellis:
Sunflowers - Van Gogh
David Bellis:
The Triumph of Pan - Poussin