sacamax: Final Item
sacamax: Faithful Yarn Assistant Oscar
sacamax: simon and oscar
sacamax: looking out the door
sacamax: boysonthecouch
sacamax: Simon Baby
sacamax: Oscar Baby
sacamax: Oscar Sleepy
sacamax: Oscar Sleeping in His Favorite Spot
sacamax: Simon and the Stash
sacamax: Simon and New Yarn
sacamax: Simon in his favorite spot
sacamax: Simon Being Cute
sacamax: Oscar and Reece
sacamax: Simon Full Belly View
sacamax: Sleepy Simon
sacamax: Simon Streching
sacamax: Sleepy Oscar
sacamax: Oscar being sweet
sacamax: Simon planning his next escape
sacamax: Oscar Looking Mad, but not really
sacamax: Simon sniffing the Sweet Magnolia
sacamax: Simon and Oscar looking out the window
sacamax: Oscar and Icarus
sacamax: Simon says "What?"
sacamax: DSC00438
sacamax: Simon on the Rowan Tunic
sacamax: Oscar and Yarn Pirate Yarn
sacamax: SimonandKonaSock
sacamax: Simon with his eyes shut