messerj11: Daddy, my favorite song is on the radio!
messerj11: And so do I. With my radio. That's right, my own private fridge DJ.
messerj11: Daddy, time to listen to the radio!
messerj11: Bubby's exhausted from opening presents.
messerj11: I really liked the card my Grammy made!
messerj11: All I need are my radio and my decals. And my magnets. And my Mommy and Daddy. And my binky. And my cow.
messerj11: Radio + decals = occupied for 5 minutes.
messerj11: It's my party and I'll cry if I want to....
messerj11: I think I can whistle if I try really hard.
messerj11: She took my present!
messerj11: Whoa!
messerj11: Got my new hat, and my book from Amy.
messerj11: Yep, I'm cute stuff in my new hat.
messerj11: Sure, the carpet would love some Cheerios!
messerj11: His favorite card.
messerj11: Where'd all my Cheerios go?
messerj11: Oh, tissue paper!
messerj11: Yep, I'll just eat 'em off the floor. They taste better that way.
messerj11: Puzzle from Great Grampa Howes.
messerj11: A new puzzle!
messerj11: Pigs are funny looking!
messerj11: Snow pants! No pants!
messerj11: Check out my new boots, Auntie Ditol!
messerj11: But, I can't get this book open!!!
messerj11: Decorated ceiling fan.
messerj11: Horses from Amy.
messerj11: No, they're my horses, Daddy.
messerj11: A new book from Amy!
messerj11: Hmm, I don't think I've read this one before.
messerj11: Let's just crack this baby open...