the_crow_19_78: Skyscraper
the_crow_19_78: Tower bridge
the_crow_19_78: Big Ben and the Houses of Parlament
the_crow_19_78: Big Ben and the Houses of Parlament
the_crow_19_78: Big Ben and the Houses of Parlament
the_crow_19_78: Detail of Big Ben
the_crow_19_78: Only in the UK :-P
the_crow_19_78: Big Ben and London Eye
the_crow_19_78: Piccadilly Circus by night
the_crow_19_78: Mind the gap!
the_crow_19_78: Squirrel
the_crow_19_78: Standard of Ur
the_crow_19_78: Samurai armor
the_crow_19_78: Thames at dusk
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral from millennium bridge at dusk
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral from millennium bridge at dusk
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral and millennium bridge at dusk
the_crow_19_78: Londra: dove sono le inferriate alle finestre e le porte blindate?
the_crow_19_78: Shakespeare's Globe
the_crow_19_78: Thames at dusk
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral and millennium bridge by night
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral and millennium bridge by night
the_crow_19_78: St Paul's Cathedral from millennium bridge by night