nevada4949: Parrot's Beak
nevada4949: viola among the violets (escapee #6)
nevada4949: The escapee is flourishing
nevada4949: old fence
nevada4949: the texture of death
nevada4949: escape of the violas -- who knew?
nevada4949: Life in a pot is not for me!
nevada4949: George & George & camellia
nevada4949: pyracantha & roof - evening light
nevada4949: Better here -- I think!
nevada4949: Breynia & begonia
nevada4949: walking onions
nevada4949: currant tomato -- a volunteer
nevada4949: currant tomato
nevada4949: currant tomato
nevada4949: stipa
nevada4949: goldfinches
nevada4949: 0431cr1
nevada4949: iris fromFullerton