Jennifer A Thomas: Melissa and the rabbit
Jennifer A Thomas: Melissa and the rabbit
Jennifer A Thomas: The Landscape of Titian (darkness)
Jennifer A Thomas: Students from the local region with their framed photographs!
Jennifer A Thomas: Japanese Pavillion at the Venice Bienalle by Chiharu Shiota
Jennifer A Thomas: Luberon Vineyards
Jennifer A Thomas: View towards Rousillion
Jennifer A Thomas: Roussillon from the vines!
Jennifer A Thomas: Bonjour toute le monde!
Jennifer A Thomas: Testing watercolors over wax candle drawing
Jennifer A Thomas: Watercolors over Gesso
Jennifer A Thomas: Throwing a lot of mixed media at this view from Sault
Jennifer A Thomas: Deconstruction in progress at Les Bassacs
Jennifer A Thomas: Rousillon the red!
Jennifer A Thomas: 2 minute ink study
Jennifer A Thomas: 2 minute ink study
Jennifer A Thomas: Jen's exquisite corpse drawing
Jennifer A Thomas: Keiren working on a Fauvist inspired landscape
Jennifer A Thomas: Working in oil pastel
Jennifer A Thomas: Almost there!
Jennifer A Thomas: Red Roussillon study inspired by the fauvist palette of Gauguin and Derain
Jennifer A Thomas: The Floating City. Detail of a drawing of mine of Rousillon
Jennifer A Thomas: Faves from my week of work
Jennifer A Thomas: Kieran doing a critique
Jennifer A Thomas: Faves from my week of mixed media work
Jennifer A Thomas: Summer Fruits. Domaine de Saint Maurin
Jennifer A Thomas: Still Life in Yellow Dish
Jennifer A Thomas: Still Life in Provencal dish
Jennifer A Thomas: Still Life with Lemons and Avodcado
Jennifer A Thomas: Still Life on Slate