Jennifer A Thomas: valle crucis abbey 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Jen, two finished pots 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Friths studio 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Snowdonia National park 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Jen's shino ginger jar and tea bowl
Jennifer A Thomas: Powis castle 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Powis castle garden 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Portmeirion village 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Margaret Frith at the wheel 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Lunch at denbigh pub 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Llangollen eating pork pies 06
Jennifer A Thomas: jens platter detail 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Jens assorted platters 06
Jennifer A Thomas: Frith pottery courtyard with drying platters 06
Jennifer A Thomas: jen at wheel 06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_jenatwheel1_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_jenatpowiscastle_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_harlechcastle_westcoast_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_frithpottery3_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_frithpottery2_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_frithpottery1_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_dogsdieinhotcars_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_david_frithpot_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_davidskilnopening_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_bedgellertvillage_06
Jennifer A Thomas: 600_bedgellertfudgeshop_06