Sky1.618: Diplodicus's Storm
Sky1.618: I am Aloe
Sky1.618: Where Rivers merge
Sky1.618: DSC_6041 (zoom)
Sky1.618: Long-tongued fly (Nemestrinidae)
Sky1.618: Comptoni's suncave ;)
Sky1.618: Blood wall
Sky1.618: Girdled not stirred
Sky1.618: Oxalis sp
Sky1.618: Pluvialis
Sky1.618: Rock'n with Aloe's
Sky1.618: Skull sentinal
Sky1.618: Fox tales
Sky1.618: Lost in succlulence
Sky1.618: Fox free's Gopherus
Sky1.618: Desertification..... broken water cycles...."I'm am creature i am part of You"
Sky1.618: Glow (SOC)
Sky1.618: Aloe focus
Sky1.618: Aloe ferox: Curled up in my embers
Sky1.618: taken by Andrew Beetge
Sky1.618: Bosluiskloof V
Sky1.618: Last Kiss
Sky1.618: DSC_7353
Sky1.618: DSC_3644
Sky1.618: The Stowaway
Sky1.618: DSC_3505
Sky1.618: Ornithoglossum undulatum
Sky1.618: Karoo Gold II
Sky1.618: Karoo Gold I (Rhigozum obovatum)