Louise001: Monkeys and Daisy saying "Hi"...
Louise001: Rhododendron
Louise001: Rhododendron
Louise001: White Rhody
Louise001: White Rhody...with pink...ShoreAcres
Louise001: Pond and path ShoreAcres
Louise001: Serene Pond
Louise001: White Rhody
Louise001: Yellow Dogwood
Louise001: Gardens at Shore Acres
Louise001: Rhododendron....ShoreAcres
Louise001: Trees at Shore Acres
Louise001: Old tree
Louise001: Rhododendron
Louise001: Planter at Shore Acres
Louise001: Shore Acres botanical gardens
Louise001: Shore Acres Botanical Gardens
Louise001: Shore Acres Botanical Garden
Louise001: Rhododendron
Louise001: Rhododendron Shore Acres botanical gardens