gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. St John the Baptist. Paris, Louvre,
gytismenomyletojas: St John the Baptist. Copy after Leonardo da Vinci by Salaino?
gytismenomyletojas: Andrea Salai (Salaino, Giacomo Caprotti). St. John the Baptist. Autoportrait after Leonardo da Vinci's "St. John"
gytismenomyletojas: Anonymous author. St John the Baptist. Copy after Leonardo da Vinci. XVI century
gytismenomyletojas: St John the Baptist. Copy after Leonardo da Vinci. 1530
gytismenomyletojas: St John the Baptist. Copy after Leonardo da Vinci. Blois castle
gytismenomyletojas: Follower of Leonardo da Vinci. Copy of Saint John the Baptist. 15 - 16 century. Montauban, Museum Ingres
gytismenomyletojas: Copy of St John the Baptist after Leonardo da Vinci. Genoa, Palazzo Rosso.
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci (?). Copy of St John the Baptist. Cheramy collection
gytismenomyletojas: Bernardino Luini. St. John the Baptist. After Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: St John the Baptist by Pontedera. After Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Another copy of "St John the Baptist" after Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Another copy of "St John the Baptist" after Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Anonymous author. St John the Baptist. XVI c. copy after Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. Study of a Hand for St John the Baptist/ Angel of Annunciation.
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. Study of a Hand for St John the Baptist/ Angel of Annunciation. Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan.
gytismenomyletojas: Marco d'Oggiono. Copy of St John the Baptist after Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Follower of Leonardo da Vinci. Copy of "Saint John the Baptist", 16th century