gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. Head of Leda. 1503-07. Windsor, Royal Library
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. The head of Leda. c. 1505-6. Windsor, Royal Library
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. The head of Leda. c. 1505-6. Windsor, Royal Library
gytismenomyletojas: Leonardo da Vinci. The head of Leda. c. 1505-06. Windsor, Royal Collection
gytismenomyletojas: Leda. Original drawing by Leonardo da Vinci (?)
gytismenomyletojas: Francesco Melzi. Leda. After lost Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Cesare da Sesto. Leda. After Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (Il Sodoma). Leda and the Swan. Copy after lost original of Leonardo da Vinci (1510-1515).
gytismenomyletojas: "Leda and the Swan", 16th century copy after Leonardo da Vinci. Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA
gytismenomyletojas: Giovanni Pedrini known as Giampietrino. Leda and the Swan. After Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. Another copy of lost masterpiece "Leda and the Swan", circa 1510-1515.
gytismenomyletojas: Copy of "Leda and Swan" after Leonardo da Vinci. XVI century
gytismenomyletojas: Another copy of lost "Leda and the Swan" by Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Copy of 'Leda and Swan' after Leonardo da Vinci. Second half of XVII century. Castlzuigno, Villa Della Porta Bozzolo.
gytismenomyletojas: Raphael. Drawing copy of "Leda and Swan" after Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Il Giampietrino. Venus and Cupid. After Leda by Leonardo da Vinci. Private collection, Milan.
gytismenomyletojas: School of Leonardo da Vinci (Marco d'Oggiono?). Venus and Cupid. XVI century. Copy after lost "Leda". New Orleans Museum of Art, USA.
gytismenomyletojas: Luca Cambiaso? Allegory of Venus (copy of Leda by Leonardo da Vinci). New Orleans Museum of Art, USA
gytismenomyletojas: Giampietrino. Lucretia Romana. c. 1500-40. Chazen Museum of Art. Copy after lost "Leda" by Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Giampietrino. Death of Cleopatra. After lost masterpiece "Leda and the Swan" by Leonardo da Vinci. Louvre, Paris.
gytismenomyletojas: Giampietrino. Cleopatras Death. After lost "Leda and the Swan" by Leonardo da Vinci, c. 1515. Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College.
gytismenomyletojas: Giampietrino Mary Madgalene. Around 1515. National Gallery, Prague. After lost "Leda" by Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Manner of Leonardo da Vinci. St John the Baptist - copy of lost 'Leda and the Swan"
gytismenomyletojas: Giampietrino. Salome with a head of St John the Baptist. After lost masterpiece "Leda and the Swan" by Leonardo da Vinci.
gytismenomyletojas: Girolamo Genga. St Mary of Magdalene. Copy after "Leda" by Leonardo da Vinci
gytismenomyletojas: Lucrezia painting modelled after "Leda and the Swan" by Leonardo da Vinci