ceztom: MVI_4392 SBMNH docent potluck Kristen awards
ceztom: IMG_4351 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4352 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4354 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4355 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4356 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4357 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4358 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and banana tree
ceztom: IMG_4359 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4360 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4361 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4362 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4364 SBMNH acorn woodpecker on pole and trees
ceztom: IMG_4365 SBMNH front santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4366 SBMNH front santa barbara museum of natural history sue t-rex butterfly signs
ceztom: IMG_4367 SBMNH front santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4368 SBMNH front santa barbara museum of natural history blue whale bones
ceztom: IMG_4369 SBMNH front santa barbara museum of natural history blue whale bones compared to humans
ceztom: IMG_4370 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4371 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4372 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4373 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history
ceztom: IMG_4374 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history eating family
ceztom: IMG_4375 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history feet bones
ceztom: IMG_4376 SBMNH T-Rex Sue santa barbara museum of natural history eye position
ceztom: IMG_4377 SBMNH docent potluck
ceztom: IMG_4378 SBMNH docent potluck
ceztom: IMG_4379 SBMNH docent potluck
ceztom: IMG_4380 SBMNH docent potluck
ceztom: IMG_4381 SBMNH docent potluck