ceztom: IMG_6505
ceztom: IMG_6505-001 crows persimmon
ceztom: IMG_6507
ceztom: IMG_6506 monarch hibiscus
ceztom: IMG_6509
ceztom: IMG_6508
ceztom: IMG_6510
ceztom: IMG_6512
ceztom: IMG_6511 montenoa
ceztom: IMG_6513 cafe rose buds
ceztom: IMG_6514
ceztom: IMG_6515 tillier rose
ceztom: MVI_6757 moth mating dance
ceztom: MVI_6763 moth mating dance goleta
ceztom: IMG_6759-001 moth
ceztom: IMG_6758-001
ceztom: IMG_6759
ceztom: IMG_6758 moth
ceztom: IMG_6762-001 moth
ceztom: IMG_6762
ceztom: IMG_6765
ceztom: IMG_6765-001 moth dance
ceztom: IMG_6766 solanum montenoa area
ceztom: IMG_6767 montenoa november flowers goleta
ceztom: IMG_6768 crows
ceztom: IMG_6769 sammy cat relaxing
ceztom: IMG_6770 TT trying to get reflection of Sammy
ceztom: IMG_6772 honeybees at hibiscus
ceztom: IMG_6773
ceztom: IMG_6774