ceztom: MVI_3273 collimation Jared Orion skyquest xxg 16 inch Dobsonian SBAU
ceztom: IMG_3259 TimC JaredK
ceztom: IMG_3260 orion skyquest 16 xxg collimation
ceztom: IMG_3261
ceztom: IMG_3262
ceztom: IMG_3263 Paul TomW TimC JaredK EdK JoeD ChrisU
ceztom: IMG_3264 Jared Orion skyquest 16 inch xxg
ceztom: IMG_3265 TimC JaredK EdK PaulW
ceztom: IMG_3266 Orion skyquest xxg base primary
ceztom: IMG_3267
ceztom: IMG_3269
ceztom: IMG_3268 collimation off
ceztom: IMG_3271
ceztom: IMG_3270
ceztom: IMG_3272
ceztom: IMG_3274 red laser collimation orion primary center
ceztom: IMG_3275 Orion skyquest secondary
ceztom: IMG_3276 Orion collimation examples
ceztom: IMG_3277
ceztom: IMG_3278 Blug held by JoeD
ceztom: IMG_3279 Barlow plus Plug equals Blug
ceztom: IMG_3280 but blug needs to fit into bottom of focuser
ceztom: IMG_3282
ceztom: IMG_3283 checking laser points during collimation
ceztom: IMG_3281
ceztom: IMG_3284
ceztom: IMG_3285
ceztom: IMG_3286 MikeC TomW SBAU telescope workshop
ceztom: IMG_3287 MikeC odd surface on mirror
ceztom: IMG_3288 TimC readies 8 inch