ceztom: IMG_5212 quasar quiz museum star party observatory
ceztom: IMG_5213 sbcc telescopes in obs
ceztom: IMG_5214 sections of fiberglas dome in museum observatory
ceztom: IMG_5215 box javier will use to make kids spacecraft
ceztom: IMG_5216 Moon via Edgar Celestron
ceztom: IMG_5217 sbau Chuck starfire 130 tourismo telescope w camera
ceztom: IMG_5256 EdK mirror Ronchi inside R
ceztom: IMG_5258 SBAU telescope workshop folks
ceztom: IMG_5259
ceztom: IMG_5265 EdK learning proper polishing stroke for turned down edges crop 1024pix
ceztom: IMG_5260 ronchi test setup for EdK mirror
ceztom: IMG_5265 sbau EdK learning proper polishing stroke for turned down edges
ceztom: IMG_5267 Dmitrii pointing out new pitch lap tool pieces falling off
ceztom: IMG_5268 sbau Dmitrii inspecting mirror for pitch pieces crop
ceztom: IMG_5268 Dmitrii inspecting
ceztom: IMG_5269 ChrisU finished base for dobsonian telescope
ceztom: IMG_5270
ceztom: IMG_5271
ceztom: IMG_5272
ceztom: IMG_5274 sbau ChrisU w dobsonian telescope and striped flaming tomato crop vert
ceztom: IMG_5273
ceztom: IMG_5274 ChrisU w dobsonian telescope and striped flaming tomato
ceztom: IMG_5275
ceztom: IMG_5276 sbau TomW inspecting ChrisU telescope and mount
ceztom: IMG_5279 JerryW explaining secondary mirror mechanics crop to hands
ceztom: IMG_5278
ceztom: IMG_5279 JerryW explaining secondary mirror mechanics
ceztom: IMG_5280 ChrisU telescope made by Mike Farris wo secondary
ceztom: IMG_5281 MikeF w EdgarO at Camino
ceztom: IMG_5282 ladies enjoying the sbau MikeF moon at Camino Real Marketplace