tracey st.peter:
finding the forms in paper
tracey st.peter:
paper mache
tracey st.peter:
wet hare
tracey st.peter:
tracey st.peter:
help from cans
tracey st.peter:
not standing on it's own yet.
tracey st.peter:
seated monkey with paper mache ball
tracey st.peter:
standing monkey
tracey st.peter:
standing on it's own. Adding Paperclay
tracey st.peter:
just adding paperclay
tracey st.peter:
I used scotch tape on the standing monkeys arm
tracey st.peter:
paper stage
tracey st.peter:
paper monkey
tracey st.peter:
paper hare with Lizard
tracey st.peter:
paper hare with Chug and Lizard
tracey st.peter:
standing Monkey
tracey st.peter:
standing monkey
tracey st.peter:
working it out.
tracey st.peter:
wire tail
tracey st.peter:
Standing monkey with armature
tracey st.peter:
tracey st.peter:
tracey st.peter:
paperclay over paper mache
tracey st.peter:
Monkey holding small dog (it's Frankenstein)
tracey st.peter:
hare with cougar
tracey st.peter:
cougar whispering to hare
tracey st.peter:
awkward stage
tracey st.peter:
hands and feet
tracey st.peter:
filling out
tracey st.peter: