steve55126: yellow?
steve55126: Erie East!
steve55126: Ah, the Erie Experience!
steve55126: More than F units
steve55126: F's at full throttle
steve55126: Santa Fe on the Erie!
steve55126: We meet at last
steve55126: An Erie Summer
steve55126: Getting Lucky
steve55126: A Hunka Hunka Dunka Branch
steve55126: Fs in autumn!
steve55126: The Big Show!
steve55126: Taconite Harbor revisited
steve55126: West of Cramer
steve55126: Erie in the "old days"
steve55126: Powering past the power plant
steve55126: 2nd Cut
steve55126: Leaving the Lake
steve55126: Tugging at Tunnel
steve55126: Five pack east 2
steve55126: Morning light
steve55126: Fs heading into the Tunnel
steve55126: Fs and Alcos - oh my!
steve55126: Alco on its way
steve55126: High on Erie