steve55126: IC&E and John Deere
steve55126: IC&E at Nora Springs
steve55126: IC&E Wells Job near Austin
steve55126: DM&E Winona Train at Dodge Center
steve55126: Eastbound at Judson
steve55126: Meet at Judson
steve55126: Crossing the Cottonwood
steve55126: John Deere meet blue & gold
steve55126: Rebuilt DM&E - so long!
steve55126: On the streets of Springfield
steve55126: Wreck at Walnut Grove
steve55126: Through the farm fields, not around 'em
steve55126: Austin Local in the snow
steve55126: Local at Lyle
steve55126: IC&E at Lyle
steve55126: ICE on the crossing
steve55126: MQKC at Columbus Jct.
steve55126: ICE into the sunset
steve55126: Heading east at Heinz
steve55126: Loping through Linby
steve55126: Summer day in Janesville
steve55126: Westbound at Eagle Lake
steve55126: Through the Black Hills
steve55126: Elevation is everything!
steve55126: Belle Turn heads north
steve55126: It's Always Something!
steve55126: Take that, Jerry Huddleston!
steve55126: KCSP at CK
steve55126: Heading through Hayward
steve55126: Smokin' through Otranto