27147: siDewalk GrasS
27147: fEArs and...
27147: ...and HopE
27147: sMaLL ThiNGs
27147: a siNgLE fLowER
27147: bLOwin' in the wiND
27147: diAMonDS in the mUD
27147: the bEst thiNGs in LifE...
27147: rEAchiNG hiGH
27147: NOt tHE DeAD
27147: tHe_LigHT and tHE dARkNEsS_
27147: hOPe_FOr tOMoRRoW_
27147: sOMEthiNg_wORth LEaVinG bEHinD
27147: sEizE thE dAy
27147: thE cELebrATioN of sMaLL thiNgS
27147: .inseparable, they arE.
27147: .be prouD
27147: .because of...me, myselF
27147: uNTiL it SLEep
27147: gONe wiTh tHE wiND
27147: wHEre the wiND bLoWS haRd
27147: .simply complicateD
27147: .through the shadowS
27147: .easing my pridE
27147: .a little lonely floweR
27147: .we are waitinG
27147: .joy, sorrow and hopE
27147: .tears of sorroW
27147: .all is lost...but hopE
27147: .dreamin' of yoU