27147: .death smiles at us alL
27147: .swallow your tearS
27147: .take away my paiN
27147: .return to innocencE
27147: keEP brEAthinG
27147: eVEn in deATh
27147: i'LL foLLoW the sUN
27147: anD_so wE ARe
27147: yOUnG aT hEArT
27147: oNLy_gOOd diE yOUnG_
27147: stiLL taLKinG to mYseLf
27147: dREamS thAt caNnoT bE
27147: pLeaSE doN't...
27147: ouR tHoUGhtS' sHAdow
27147: fADe to bLAcK
27147: giVE and tAKe...
27147: siMpLy rEAcH
27147: in a gARdeN
27147: a sToRm and a fLOwER
27147: faLLinG...
27147: a rUMor neARBy.
27147: thAT rOSe
27147: iMPerFecTionS
27147: gaRDEns and fLOWerS
27147: inExcuSAbLy seLFisH
27147: pRaiSE
27147: the sweEteSt thiNg
27147: a rOse
27147: Live and let diE
27147: sWeAT in peAcE