27147: ?surE
27147: siLenT sHOUt
27147: maSTeR¡¡
27147: cRy_to us
27147: _fUriOUsLY
27147: doN'T wORRy, bE sUrE to_sMeLL
27147: a MAn anD a DOg
27147: pLaygRouND
27147: goOd dOG
27147: LoNg eArS kANgAroO!
27147: so,...iT is a doG
27147: a yOunG eXPLoreR!¡
27147: aPProacHinG...
27147: a doG and a mAn
27147: cAt
27147: gOoD dOG
27147: One sad day
27147: !you seem so sad, hu-maN
27147: .light as the whispers of a dreaM
27147: .a new day will begiN
27147: .a heartbeat at my feeT
27147: .a miracle lifE
27147: .a beagle wonderlanD
27147: .a particular frienD
27147: ...and have to take some chanceS
27147: .we're all in this alonE
27147: .a beaglE
27147: .i'm on my kneeS
27147: .a good doG
27147: .bad daY