27147: .same old same olD
27147: .a darkest corner of the minD
27147: .because of...me, myselF
27147: .breaking in the winD
27147: .of joy and sorroW
27147: buT LOVe muST go on
27147: siLENt faNFarE
27147: LOsiNG_
27147: dO nOT bE_aFRAID
27147: _but StiLL losT
27147: liFe iS to fEAr_FOr LifE
27147: tRAiL of bROKen heArTS
27147: tHiNK LikE a tREe
27147: tHe sTROngeST onE
27147: a vERSioN of cOLoRs
27147: a trEE and tRUtH
27147: A fooL and a wiSE man
27147: a LoneLy siNGer
27147: .things we can not changE
27147: .reachin' furtheR
27147: .misguided lovE
27147: .the dream of those who wakE
27147: .too cold herE
27147: .with a broken hearT
27147: .the loverS
27147: .this is the daY
27147: .long before acceptancE
27147: .still waiting foR
27147: .our cursed lifE
27147: .by your owN