27147: .as we slowly disappeaR.
27147: .life is not a destinatioN
27147: .this day in my lifE
27147: buT LOVe muST go on
27147: siLENt faNFarE
27147: .prepare yourselF
27147: .sail the dreaM
27147: as tiMe gOEs by
27147: gOoDBye to aLL the pASt
27147: dEPenDs oN tHE waY YoU LoOk aT
27147: dROwniNg
27147: kEEp roWiNG
27147: tHAT's reLAtiviTY!
27147: jumP!
27147: paRADise of GOd
27147: dREam a LitTLe dREaM (of mE)
27147: hoLD bACk
27147: dON'T yoU LoVE me, aNYMorE?
27147: LooK at mE!!
27147: A fooL and a wiSE man
27147: coNsidereD fRom the outsidE
27147: .a last, first daY
27147: .rarely pure and never simplE
27147: .in the enD
27147: .cold and tireD
27147: .grow brave by reflectioN
27147: .what you left behinD
27147: .then we learn to crY
27147: .to livE
27147: .into the wildernesS