27147: .of joy and sorroW
27147: .take away my paiN
27147: .same old same olD
27147: .a darkest corner of the minD
27147: umm... !
27147: .this day in my lifE
27147: .so, i'm going to lay dowN
27147: wELComE to my pLaNEt
27147: LiVe and LeT diE
27147: LOsiNG_
27147: gOoDBye to aLL the pASt
27147: 2009_H1N1's osELtAMiviR
27147: dARk siDE
27147: as tiMe gOEs by
27147: keEP brEAthinG
27147: siLenT sHOUt
27147: sEizE thE dAy
27147: maSTeR¡¡
27147: ¿_nOT too LATe
27147: eVEn in deATh
27147: dO nOT bE_aFRAID
27147: uNTiL it SLEep
27147: wAsh awaY, pt. II
27147: bEFoRE the dAWn
27147: cRy_to us
27147: aLL_sTRenGTh...LOsS
27147: my LovELy_dARKnEsS
27147: anD_so wE ARe
27147: a MAn wHO_dREamT
27147: tHE paRAdiSE zOo