27147: .life is not a destinatioN
27147: .return to innocencE
27147: .because of...me, myselF
27147: .breaking in the winD
27147: .the best of two worldS
27147: .prepare yourselF
27147: Let'S the mUSic pLAy and pLaY
27147: buT LOVe muST go on
27147: siLENt faNFarE
27147: thE cELebrATioN of sMaLL thiNgS
27147: LiFE iS bEAUtiFuL
27147: siCK and tiREd, i sTAnD aLOnE
27147: a rEaL iLLuSioN_
27147: sMILinG fAcE_
27147: kEEp tALKinG
27147: pLEasE_fORgiVe us
27147: sOMEthiNg_wORth LEaVinG bEHinD
27147: i'LL foLLoW the sUN
27147: _but StiLL losT
27147: _fUriOUsLY
27147: hOPe_FOr tOMoRRoW_
27147: gONe wiTh tHE wiND
27147: liFe iS to fEAr_FOr LifE
27147: fAReWeLL, mY fAMiLY
27147: iT'S diFfiCULt, bUT mUSt gO On
27147: doN'T wORRy, bE sUrE to_sMeLL
27147: nO oNE LeFT_yoU to CRy_
27147: tHe_LigHT and tHE dARkNEsS_
27147: a_kiND of_fRiENDshiP_
27147: dEPenDs oN tHE waY YoU LoOk aT