Richard D. Price: colored light
Richard D. Price: stained glass light and shadows of windchimes
Richard D. Price: Half Moon Bay storefront
Richard D. Price: leaving it all behind
Richard D. Price: the lay of the land
Richard D. Price: surf, beach, and other stuff
Richard D. Price: in the February sun
Richard D. Price: hawk 1 (of 3)
Richard D. Price: hawk 2 (of 3)
Richard D. Price: hawk 3 (of 3)
Richard D. Price: southbound
Richard D. Price: the warmth of a rock in the sun
Richard D. Price: unstable cliffs
Richard D. Price: Mori Point
Richard D. Price: hawk's height view
Richard D. Price: secret places
Richard D. Price: near Calera Creek
Richard D. Price: Bernal Heights from the east
Richard D. Price: north from Bernal Heights
Richard D. Price: city perspective
Richard D. Price: Twelve Small Things
Richard D. Price: pull over and look at the mural