Richard D. Price: Grey day on Gold Bluffs Beach (on the hike to Fern Canyon)
Richard D. Price: Meadow portion of the hike to Fern Canyon
Richard D. Price: Green and black
Richard D. Price: The Fern Canyon Trail
Richard D. Price: Awe and Wonder
Richard D. Price: Fern Canyon Trail
Richard D. Price: Fern Canyon Video
Richard D. Price: Oceanside Pond
Richard D. Price: The return route--no fog?
Richard D. Price: The locals do their thing
Richard D. Price: Elk Mural by Matthew Marshall, 2018
Richard D. Price: Detail of the Buhne Building, Eureka, California (built 1884, mural painted 2017), 7/31/19
Richard D. Price: At the Lost Coast Brewery, Eureka, 7/31/19
Richard D. Price: Public art spruces up utility boxes in Eureka, 7/31/19
Richard D. Price: Another side of the same utility box, Eureka, 7/31/19
Richard D. Price: The return to Fern Canyon, 8/1/19 (#1)
Richard D. Price: The return to Fern Canyon, 8/1/19 (#2)
Richard D. Price: Trailside attraction 1
Richard D. Price: Trailside attraction 2
Richard D. Price: Near and Far
Richard D. Price: After driving the dirt road to Fern Canyon
Richard D. Price: Approaching Manila Beach
Richard D. Price: Long-billed curlew
Richard D. Price: Long-billed curlews hunting
Richard D. Price: Pausing as the sky starts to fog
Richard D. Price: Snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) at home on the edge
Richard D. Price: Snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) unconcerned about the surf
Richard D. Price: Snowy Plovers (Charadrius nivosus) relaxing/congregating
Richard D. Price: Snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus) family time
Richard D. Price: Seafoam on shore up close