KnitXcorE: book 1: revolutionary road
KnitXcorE: book #2: the tortilla curtain
KnitXcorE: book #3: the gates
KnitXcorE: book #4: eat when you feel sad
KnitXcorE: book #5: during my nervous breakdown i want to have a biographer present.
KnitXcorE: book #6: cold spring harbor.
KnitXcorE: book #7: the bell jar.
KnitXcorE: book #8: cognitive-behavioral therapy.
KnitXcorE: book #9: everything here is the best thing ever.
KnitXcorE: book #10: wonderful tonight.
KnitXcorE: book #12: think tank for human beings in general
KnitXcorE: book #11: the people look like flowers at last.