seimmartin: Living Rough
seimmartin: The Faces Photographers Show the World
seimmartin: The Troika
seimmartin: thumb_IMG_0415_1024
seimmartin: IMG_1147
seimmartin: IMG_5514
seimmartin: Ballpark: Whenever You Go, There You Are
seimmartin: Anonymous Again
seimmartin: Homage to Rubens
seimmartin: Seeing More and Less Than Is There
seimmartin: Modern Couple
seimmartin: Lady of Mystery
seimmartin: Street Scene #4:
seimmartin: Seattle's Airport #1: Waiting Among Rich Colors
seimmartin: Summer Palace 1983
seimmartin: IMG_1074_2_3
seimmartin: IMG_0572
seimmartin: Chinese Man
seimmartin: IMG_2
seimmartin: Three Boys and the Sea
seimmartin: Closely Watching
seimmartin: Seattle's Airport #7: Coruscating Through the Airport
seimmartin: Seattle's Airport #3: Only One Kind of Distortion
seimmartin: Street Scene #3: During All Those Years Together
seimmartin: Street Scene #5: Les Demoiselles d' Burger King
seimmartin: IMG_5612
seimmartin: Close but Alone
seimmartin: Young Girl with Still Younger Sister 1
seimmartin: Figure-Ground
seimmartin: Ouch! I Thought I Was to Be the Cubist PAINTER!