saebois: this was the most scenic setup and also the most unhelpfully lit :(
saebois: shoegaze singing?
saebois: singing! hotel was a duo this time
saebois: is this sound check or show and tell?
saebois: people in front of me = proof I am not one of those obnoxious camera dudes. PROOF.
saebois: please note this dude on the right - not only did he play the keyboards, he was also in charge ofthe backup drums and all the screaming. skillz.
saebois: sound check is so boring
saebois: ...can we get a little LESS light on the singer's face?
saebois: can we geta little more light on the singer's face?
saebois: SO. MANY. FEELINGS.
saebois: and then the whole audience got elephant masks
saebois: there's not really much I can add to these pictures of him screaming his head off
saebois: at the niversity caf
saebois: this out-of-focus shot is the artistic kind, not the kind borne from an inability to operate the simplest of point and shoot cameras
saebois: encroaching keyboard!