saebois: In Which They All Conspire to Nearly Hide the Drummer
saebois: this is three fifths of the framecell. aren't they so lovely and symmetrical
saebois: truth: the framecell rocks too hard to not come out blurry in photos.jpg
saebois: observe the mighty fine singing going on right here
saebois: the one clear shot of the drummer, with bonus weird silver bikini mannequin thing in the corner
saebois: In Which That Side of the Stage Is Too Far Away to Come Out Well
saebois: between sets Frankie and I went and vandalized the bathroom (and stole a poster (shh don't tell anybody))
saebois: the astounding! alas, I was not able to stand in front
saebois: In Which Frankie and I Attempt to Recreate That Photo from When Empires Was at The Space but Fail Due to Wrong Angle
saebois: this clown thing does not belong in the arcade, it belongs in the set of a horror movie
saebois: this band was rad; I don't know their name and I don't know why we were all sitting down
saebois: gabriel the marine: they have an ELECTRIC VIOLIN
saebois: do not let these photos mislead you; gabriel the marine really does consist of more than one dude