tower62pool: A mothers love.
tower62pool: Man alone with his thoughts.
tower62pool: Shine on through!
tower62pool: Cold day for Robin's.
tower62pool: Beautiful sky.
tower62pool: Frozen Lake.
tower62pool: Sun through the woods.
tower62pool: Heron's island.
tower62pool: Two-toned wood tuft, (Kuehneromyces mutabilis).
tower62pool: Clever parking!!
tower62pool: Devil's Beef Tub.
tower62pool: Commom Blue (Polyommatus icarus).
tower62pool: Commom Blue (Polyommatus icarus) 2.
tower62pool: Hoverfly looking for nectar.
tower62pool: Feeding time
tower62pool: Short flight.
tower62pool: Last light.
tower62pool: Are you sure it's in hear!!
tower62pool: Patterns in the sand.
tower62pool: Drop a line!!
tower62pool: Long -tail Tit (Aegithalos caudatus).
tower62pool: Little Robin.
tower62pool: Taking it easy!
tower62pool: Singing Ringing Tree 2.
tower62pool: Shine on me!
tower62pool: Robin taking lunch.
tower62pool: Chilly afternoon.
tower62pool: Robin (Erithacus rubecula).
tower62pool: Evening at the lake.
tower62pool: Evening at Stanley Park.