tower62pool: Are you sure it's in hear!!
tower62pool: Short flight.
tower62pool: Feeding time
tower62pool: Cricket or grasshopper?
tower62pool: Damselfly 2.
tower62pool: Damselfly 1.
tower62pool: Catching the sun.
tower62pool: Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria).
tower62pool: Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria).
tower62pool: Red Admiral
tower62pool: Nectar for me.
tower62pool: Thistle and wasp.
tower62pool: Meadow Brown (Manioia jurtina).
tower62pool: Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris).
tower62pool: Give us a kiss dear
tower62pool: Hoverfly looking for nectar.
tower62pool: Family outing 2.
tower62pool: Red Kites feeding.
tower62pool: Cheeky little wink!!
tower62pool: Heron.
tower62pool: Through the glade.
tower62pool: Coots feeding their young
tower62pool: Taking in the sun.
tower62pool: Eye, eye!!
tower62pool: Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus major).
tower62pool: Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopus major).
tower62pool: Bath time!
tower62pool: Mum, i'm down here.
tower62pool: Taking the sun.
tower62pool: Hello!!