Ben & Shayna Crawford: I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They are pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings
Ben & Shayna Crawford: That man can be domesticated.
Ben & Shayna Crawford: The question is not so much where we are as when we are.
Ben & Shayna Crawford: #*¨*#+*#¨¨
Ben & Shayna Crawford: "I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance, I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun."
Ben & Shayna Crawford: Does your mother know what you do for a living?
Ben & Shayna Crawford: The Earth has aged nearly 700 years since we left it...while we've aged hardly at all. Maybe so. This much is probably true.
Ben & Shayna Crawford: You got what you wanted, tiger. How does that taste?
Ben & Shayna Crawford: Dr. Zira, I must caution you. Experimental brain surgery on these creatures is one thing, and I'm all in favor of it.
Ben & Shayna Crawford: Davy Crockett and wife
Ben & Shayna Crawford: For a guy with a limited vocabulary, you sure do manage to get your point across.