karlkennedy26: could do with a lick of paint
karlkennedy26: broken home
karlkennedy26: house plant
karlkennedy26: tear the roof down
karlkennedy26: fire wood
karlkennedy26: beautiful lighting
karlkennedy26: watch your head
karlkennedy26: breaking point
karlkennedy26: fire wood
karlkennedy26: rustic look
karlkennedy26: anyone got a number for a plumber?
karlkennedy26: BEAUTIFUL DECAY
karlkennedy26: the green room
karlkennedy26: BIG GAY AL KIRWANS CLUB
karlkennedy26: spiders in the rafters
karlkennedy26: roof top garden
karlkennedy26: nobody calls anymore
karlkennedy26: window flowers
karlkennedy26: hidden door
karlkennedy26: beautiful distruction
karlkennedy26: what a mess
karlkennedy26: secret window
karlkennedy26: they dont build them like they used to
karlkennedy26: the basement
karlkennedy26: fix that roof
karlkennedy26: great work
karlkennedy26: the thaw
karlkennedy26: the toilet is free
karlkennedy26: another old room