Russ_ell: Protect me!
Russ_ell: Over the top
Russ_ell: Smash IMF
Russ_ell: Who's pointing at who?
Russ_ell: Hand of power
Russ_ell: Statues on Cascades
Russ_ell: Gardening at the Democracy village
Russ_ell: Blowing glitter dust
Russ_ell: Aftermath
Russ_ell: Lost child
Russ_ell: Not speaking?
Russ_ell: Riders of all speeds allowed
Russ_ell: Aghdam, Nagorno-Karabagh
Russ_ell: Rest and Relaxation on road trip to Yerevan
Russ_ell: "Right to Work" March
Russ_ell: Crude Awakening: Beyond Oil
Russ_ell: March against the Government spending cuts
Russ_ell: Anti-Fascist Rally in London
Russ_ell: Protest at Burmese Elections
Russ_ell: National Union Students Demonstration against University Cuts
Russ_ell: Stop the War march; troops out of Afghanistan
Russ_ell: NUS student demo kettled in Whitehall
Russ_ell: IMG_8388_EDL_Preston_demo_
Russ_ell: IMG_8394_EDL_Preston_demo_