Russ_ell: Two girls enjoy a quiet lunch at the Hog in the Pound
Russ_ell: EDL lady lays wreath at US Embassy
Russ_ell: In memory - EDL member
Russ_ell: Attempting to burn an Islamic script
Russ_ell: IMG_3440
Russ_ell: IMG_3474
Russ_ell: Anjem Choudary
Russ_ell: Anjem Choudary
Russ_ell: Anjem Choudary
Russ_ell: Burning of US Flag and photo of Terry Jones
Russ_ell: Flag burning
Russ_ell: Uncompromising statement
Russ_ell: Dismayed and distant
Russ_ell: Trophy chest