Russ_ell: Green ribbon
Russ_ell: Sideways glance
Russ_ell: Guy from EDL talks to bloke in red top
Russ_ell: Who is the racist?
Russ_ell: Welcome to the EDL
Russ_ell: EDL....from the back of my head
Russ_ell: Bradford Muslim contingent
Russ_ell: Bradford Muslim youths
Russ_ell: Stand off
Russ_ell: Not all there
Russ_ell: Manifesto
Russ_ell: EDL manifesto
Russ_ell: IMG_1809
Russ_ell: Cautious
Russ_ell: ...for Islam and Christianity
Russ_ell: Police cordons
Russ_ell: Stay back!
Russ_ell: 3 Lions
Russ_ell: EDL member floored by EDL
Russ_ell: Anxious grimace in face of riot police
Russ_ell: Rocks
Russ_ell: EDL, Bradford and black clouds
Russ_ell: Time to Give Way
Russ_ell: Is this the End?