Russ_ell: Girl in a world of her own
Russ_ell: Anti-Bush Demo June 15th
Russ_ell: In memory of fallen friends
Russ_ell: Guarding the memorial
Russ_ell: Expectant
Russ_ell: Look of anxiety as violent scuffling breaks out behind police lines
Russ_ell: Gone Fishing
Russ_ell: Calm between the storms
Russ_ell: Being kettled
Russ_ell: Being Kettled
Russ_ell: Shocked
Russ_ell: Walk on by!
Russ_ell: Clouds gathering
Russ_ell: Intense listening
Russ_ell: Outbreak of violence in Georgia
Russ_ell: Seeking counsel
Russ_ell: Fair cop.
Russ_ell: Wasted!
Russ_ell: A small group from EDL at Picadilly Circus
Russ_ell: Mourning over war dead
Russ_ell: Chaos in Manchester
Russ_ell: Racism
Russ_ell: EDL in Nottingham attacking police horses
Russ_ell: EDL surge on the police in Stoke
Russ_ell: Protect me!
Russ_ell: On the Run
Russ_ell: xIMG_6523
Russ_ell: Just, stay calm!