Russ_ell: Lost child
Russ_ell: IMG_0767
Russ_ell: EDL Mascot
Russ_ell: Singing
Russ_ell: Flag and flagon?
Russ_ell: Spotted!
Russ_ell: Police liaison
Russ_ell: Incred....
Russ_ell: Passing comment
Russ_ell: Captured with eye contact
Russ_ell: Shock
Russ_ell: The protest against the EDL
Russ_ell: Hiding your identity
Russ_ell: Holding back UAF demonstrators
Russ_ell: Holding back UAF demonstrators
Russ_ell: Captured
Russ_ell: Police intervene with UAF demonstrators
Russ_ell: Demonstration
Russ_ell: Right to demonstate
Russ_ell: Leading the crowd
Russ_ell: Seasoned veteran
Russ_ell: Police dealing swiftly with abusive anti-Muslim language.
Russ_ell: Don't arrest him