Russ_ell: Colourful Drag Queen at Pride London
Russ_ell: Joke with the Police
Russ_ell: Arrow through the chest
Russ_ell: Sculptured without subtlety
Russ_ell: Pride London
Russ_ell: Peter Tatchell Pride London
Russ_ell: Colourful oriental transvestites
Russ_ell: Pink punters - slightly disconcerting
Russ_ell: Blowing glitter dust
Russ_ell: Pride London
Russ_ell: Peter Tatchell
Russ_ell: Boris Johnson Pride London
Russ_ell: I don't want to hear anymore!
Russ_ell: Pride London
Russ_ell: Fun in the crowd
Russ_ell: Girl in tight rubber outfit
Russ_ell: Dance troupe
Russ_ell: Dance troupe
Russ_ell: Balloon and Proud
Russ_ell: Britannia - Pride London
Russ_ell: Prince Charles on the horn
Russ_ell: IMG_0370
Russ_ell: Roller-splits
Russ_ell: Girls having fun!
Russ_ell: You're never too old to be a transvestite
Russ_ell: Rugby mascot
Russ_ell: Being lead from behind!
Russ_ell: Boris Johnson
Russ_ell: Boris - preparing for exit
Russ_ell: Boris ready to cycle off