Russ_ell: Stop the EDL - flying demo
Russ_ell: EDL boys outside Gotham Town
Russ_ell: Banter with the Police
Russ_ell: Down at Gotham Town
Russ_ell: Infidels
Russ_ell: Passionate EDL chanting
Russ_ell: Intense discussion
Russ_ell: Demonstration
Russ_ell: EDL gathering behind the Police horse
Russ_ell: All together
Russ_ell: The lads in the crowd
Russ_ell: All Together Now!
Russ_ell: Defiance
Russ_ell: EDL marshals
Russ_ell: EDL lamp post man
Russ_ell: Proud