Russ_ell: Girl in a world of her own
Russ_ell: Touchy feely
Russ_ell: In step
Russ_ell: In memory of fallen friends
Russ_ell: Guarding the memorial
Russ_ell: IMG_1171
Russ_ell: IMG_1246
Russ_ell: IMG_2236
Russ_ell: Expectant
Russ_ell: Gone Fishing
Russ_ell: Quiet moment
Russ_ell: Calm between the storms
Russ_ell: G20 protest
Russ_ell: Attack
Russ_ell: IMG_6397
Russ_ell: Being kettled
Russ_ell: Being Kettled
Russ_ell: Shocked
Russ_ell: Policeman beats Ms Fisher
Russ_ell: Woman stands up to Smellie
Russ_ell: Phone home
Russ_ell: Intense listening
Russ_ell: Curious
Russ_ell: Speak no evil
Russ_ell: Seeking counsel