J&GMcLean: Australian dollars...
J&GMcLean: Tracking Johnny's long-haul flight to Australia
J&GMcLean: Johnny and Amelie in Australia
J&GMcLean: Johnny and Amelie in Australia
J&GMcLean: On the beach in Seaford, Australia
J&GMcLean: Johnny and Ian in Melbourne
J&GMcLean: If this is business class, I wonder what first class is like!
J&GMcLean: Flying in to Melbourne
J&GMcLean: Walking around Ian's school.
J&GMcLean: At Ian's school...Xavier College
J&GMcLean: Johnny and Ian
J&GMcLean: Sunset in Melbourne (from the top balcony of the townhouse...that's the bay behind the trees)
J&GMcLean: Gwen, Jemma, and Amelie
J&GMcLean: Amelie and her Gwenny
J&GMcLean: Diaper duty!
J&GMcLean: Curious Amelie
J&GMcLean: Getting to know Amelie
J&GMcLean: Oooo Amelie!
J&GMcLean: Hi sweetie pie!
J&GMcLean: Gwen and Amelie
J&GMcLean: Johnny, Gwen, and Amelie
J&GMcLean: Papa, Mama, and wee Amelie
J&GMcLean: Papa and Amelie
J&GMcLean: Our path to the beach
J&GMcLean: The beach on a really cool day
J&GMcLean: Seaford Pier
J&GMcLean: Johnny drinking a flat white in Seaford
J&GMcLean: Artists Square in Melbourne
J&GMcLean: River walk in Melbourne
J&GMcLean: Melbourne skyline... From the top of the tallest building in the city