J&GMcLean: before (4/22/2011)
J&GMcLean: before (4/22/2011)
J&GMcLean: before (4/22/2011)
J&GMcLean: before (4/22/2011)
J&GMcLean: garage has been insulated, drywalled, taped...and rewired
J&GMcLean: garage has been insulated, drywalled, taped...and rewired
J&GMcLean: garage has been insulated, drywalled, taped...and rewired
J&GMcLean: right side of the garage...a ceiling with storage access was added
J&GMcLean: left side of the garage...a ceiling with storage access was added
J&GMcLean: painted, new lights up...(next up...trim and cabinets!)
J&GMcLean: painted, new lights up (ignore the makeshift cabinets...we'll add new cabinets and shelves soon)